
How to Update Your COFTT Profile and Make it Stand Out

As a consultant on COFTT, having a complete and compelling profile is crucial for attracting potential clients and growing your consulting business. Your profile serves as a first impression and can make all the difference in whether a client chooses to work with you or not. In this blog post, we'll share tips on how to update your COFTT profile and make it stand out.

Business Name

The first field in your COFTT profile is your business name. This should be the name of your consulting business, and it should be clear and concise. Avoid using long or complicated business names that are difficult to remember or spell.

Business Category

The next field is your business category. This is the industry or field in which you specialize as a consultant. Choose a category that accurately reflects your expertise, as this will help potential clients find you when they search for consultants in that category.

Services You Provide

The "Services You Provide" field is where you can list the specific services you offer as a consultant. Be sure to list all of your services, as this will help clients understand what you can offer them. Use clear and concise language, and avoid using technical jargon that may be unfamiliar to clients.

Location of the Business

The "Location of the Business" field is where you can specify the geographic area in which you provide consulting services. This could be a city, state, or country. Be sure to choose a location that accurately reflects where you work, as this will help clients find you when they search for consultants in their area.


The "Address" field is where you can enter the physical address of your consulting business. If you work remotely, you can leave this field blank. If you have a physical office, be sure to include the full address, including the street address, city, state, and zip code.

Business Introduction

The last field in your COFTT profile is the "Business Introduction" field. This is where you can provide a brief overview of your consulting business and what sets you apart from other consultants in your field. Use this section to showcase your experience, expertise, and unique selling points.

In summary, updating your COFTT profile is an important step in growing your consulting business. By filling out all of the profile fields, you can increase your visibility to potential clients and make a strong first impression. Use clear and concise language, and be sure to accurately reflect your expertise and experience. With these tips, you can create a compelling profile that attracts clients and helps you achieve your consulting goals.